Steel Mesh Safety Skirts
Lift table mesh steel safety curtains are used to prevent injury from pinch points. This premium style guarding is ideal for wash down applications, high temperature, heavy welding, and clean room environments. The scissor lift table skirts can be purchased for existing or new tables. The mesh guard comes in a standard ASTM A82 steel. For wash down applications and clean rooms we offer stainless steel mesh.
Example of Steel Mesh Skirting
Why Steel Mesh Guards?
Keep Out Large Debris
Our mesh safety guards are designed to keep out large heavy debris from the inside of your table. Unlike traditional vinyl, steel mesh safety screens will keep out heavy debris. Commonly used in wood mills for large lifting tables, the steel safety mesh keeps out heavy wood debris.
High Heat & Welding
High temperatures will melt vinyl safety skirting so a stronger material is needed. With steel mesh lift table guards, you can use your lift tables in extreme environments while still providing protection. Applications that produce a lot of hot welding slag or grinding sparks could also benefit from the steel skirting.
Protect Pinch Points
Just like a traditional lift table skirting bellows, the steel mesh safety curtains also protect pinch points. As the lift table goes up, the screen mesh travels upward with it forming a protective barrier.
Wash Down Food Grade
Food processing facilities require washing down equipment on a regular basis. With the use of stainless steel safety guarding for your lift table you can keep debris from collecting. Power washers and chemicals will not damage the guard which in turn will allow the guards to last many years unlike fabric bellows.
Flexibility In Design

Stronger Than Vinyl
- While more expensive, steel mesh does not wear out
- Will not tear or rip like vinyl material
- Harder to push into the inner workings of the lift
- No stitching which can come apart years later
- Can be power washed close up without damage

Tight Clearance And See Through
- Mesh has no folds thus reducing its raised profile
- The bottom is the only space constraint
- Allows for a line of sight into or through the lift
- Air flow is allowed into the lift to prevent balloning

Any Configuration
- Choose from 1,2,3,4 or more sides
- Only guard the pinch point sides
- Made to any size and dimension
- No limits on height or widths
- Edges are finished and not sharp
Steel Mesh - Standard
Construction: Weaved Steel Mesh
Material: ASTM A82 Steel
Color: Powder Coated Black
Wire: 1/4" 19 Guage Steel
Weight: 0.58 lbs/sqft
Percentage Open: 72%
Price: $$
Steel Mesh - Stainless Steel
Construction: Weaved Steel Mesh
Material: 316 Stainless Steel
Color: No Color, Natrual Steel Color
Wire: 1/4" 19 Guage Steel
Weight: 0.69 lbs/sqft
Percentage Open: 72%
Price: $$$